The Urgent Need for Responsible Leadership in Nigeria: A Call to Action for Youths

In a time where Nigeria stands at a crossroads, the call for true leadership has never been more urgent. The defining trait of a leader is not their ability to craft excuses but their capacity to take responsibility. Today, our nation suffers from a deficit of this crucial trait, resulting in widespread disillusionment and stagnation. Now more than ever, we need leaders who will rise to the occasion and take ownership of Nigeria’s future. This call to action is especially directed towards our youth, who are both the present and the future of our nation.

For too long, our nation has been led by individuals who, instead of addressing issues head-on, have chosen to defer responsibility and point fingers. This culture of excuse-making has left Nigeria in a state of disrepair—economically, socially, and morally. Our current leaders, many of whom enjoyed the fruits of a prosperous Nigeria in their youth, have squandered our national wealth and mortgaged our future through reckless borrowing and mismanagement. They have failed to think about the youths of today, leaving behind a legacy of debt and missed opportunities.

True Leadership Is About Service & Responsibility

True leaders understand that leadership is not about titles or positions but about service and responsibility. They take proactive steps to address challenges and inspire those around them to do the same. In Nigeria, the responsibility of leadership must shift from the ineffective and self-serving elites to the vibrant and capable youth. It is time for the youth to rise and see themselves not as the leaders of tomorrow but as the leaders of today.


Nigerian youths are the most affected by bad leadership. High unemployment rates, inadequate education, poor healthcare, and lack of opportunities are all stark realities facing our young population. However, this should not lead to despair but to action. The youth must channel their energy, creativity, and passion towards taking responsibility for their communities and, by extension, the nation.

The Power Of Youth

The power of youth is unparalleled. Across the world, young people have been at the forefront of significant social and political changes. In Nigeria, this same potential exists. We need to harness it and direct it towards building a better future. This involves engaging in community service, participating in local governance, holding leaders accountable, and most importantly, leading by example.

Leadership does not always start at the top. Many of the world’s greatest leaders began their journeys within their communities. Nigerian youths should take inspiration from this and start making changes where they are. Whether it’s organizing a community clean-up, starting an educational initiative, or advocating for better local services, every action counts. These small steps collectively contribute to the broader goal of national transformation.

To The Youth; Embrace Responsibility

To the youths of Nigeria, this is a call to action. Do not wait for change to come from the top; start making a difference where you are. Take responsibility for your future and the future of your nation. Remember, leadership is not about making excuses but about taking action.

Our current leaders have shown us what happens when responsibility is shirked. Now, it is up to you to show what happens when responsibility is embraced. Nigeria’s future lies in your hands. Rise, take responsibility, and lead the charge towards a better, more prosperous Nigeria. The time is now.

Let us not be remembered as the generation that waited for change, but as the generation that made it happen. Together, we can rebuild Nigeria from the ground up, one community at a time. The journey will be challenging, but with determination, unity, and a sense of responsibility, we can achieve the Nigeria of our dreams.


In conclusion, leadership is about action and responsibility. Nigerian youths must rise to the occasion, take charge of their communities, and lead by example. The era of excuses is over. It is time to step up and create the Nigeria we all deserve.

My experience of distance learning has been exciting and enlightening! I have got to know people from various countries and continents.

A few of my friends are also studying, not at the same university or even the same course, but having other friends who I can ‘study buddy’ with or check in, keeps us all determined and on track. Scheduling in catch-up time can give much needed respite without panic. This keeps your goals realistic and manageable.

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